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My wife Connie and I were born and raised in Sheridan. In our 37 years together, we have never left Beaverhead and Madison counties, except for the 4 years we spent in Bozeman while Connie got her Bachelor's Degree in Education. Both of our ancestors have been welcoming people to Montana for generations. We have been blessed to raise our 5 sons and now 7 grandkids in Beaverhead and Madison Counties. These counties have shaped our entire family into people with true Montanan Values: Grit, Attitude, Compassion, and Independence.

Mountain Ridge

Who is Tony Tezak?

As a native Montanan, I have been involved in mining, logging, ranching, construction, education, and tourism, all things that have helped Montana grow. Our family owns and operates 2 small businesses and a 5th generation Montana ranch, making tough decisions every day. Hard work and sacrifice go into every decision we make as business owners, leading to the success and downfalls that we all must face.  


We have been very blessed with this way of life we get to live, in this beautiful area. There is not a state or community that I visit, that I wish Montana could be more like, this is truly God's country. 

Blue Skies

My Priorities 

Agriculture, Small Business, and Natural Resources 

Agriculture is not only a job, but a way of life in Montana. Utilize agriculture with our natural resources of logging, mining, and Montana grassroot values. Protect our water rights. 



Parents should have a voice in their children's education. There should be full transparency in the Curriculum being taught to our children. Push for an expansion in career and technical education programs throughout the state.

Local Government

Limit the Federal Government's role in our local small businesses. Give control of Government back to the State. Seek accountability in the Government's actions. Support law enforcement.

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